How Does A Plant Grow Step By Step

How Plant GrowHow_Plants_Grow

Hello friends! Today I will tell you about ‘ How does a plant grow step by step‘. It was my school project.

Material to grow plants at home in pots (What I used):

  1. Sunflower Seed
  2. Small Pot
  3. Soil
  4. Water

Direction (As my teacher Mrs. Alden told that how to grow plant step by step..)

  1. Put the soil into the pot.
  2. Then put sunflower seed into the pot.
  3. Water it a bit.
  4. Write your name on the pot. ( Take a picture but I forgot to take a picture after seeding.)
  5. I took it home and put it in my balcony because it needed sunlight and air.
  6. I waited, it took the sunflower 5 days to come out.
  7. Then I took pictures of it everyday P.S I forgot to take a picture two days.
  8. The first time it was a baby sunflower plant that grew from the plastic pot.
  9. On the next day, it grew a bit taller. After 7 days, I measured and it was 27 cm.
  10. That is how I grew my sunflower seed to be about 27cm.
  11. So, my friends, you can also grow any type of plant at your home like I did.

Β  Β  Β If you have any questions comment down below.Β  nowΒ  I am going to tell you how a plant grows.

There are 5 things plants need to grow:

  1. Water
  2. Sunlight
  3. Soil
  4. Air
  5. Nutrients

Water –

The root takes the water from the soil. Then it gives the water to the stem. In the stem, there is a part called Xylem. It sends the water and nutrients to the leaves and the other parts of the plant.

Air –

The leaves need carbon Dioxide. So in air, there is a part called CO2 that plants need to order to make food. The leaves have a part called STOMATA at the bottom of the leaf. It takes CO2 from the air.

Sunlight –

There is a part of the leaves called CHLOROPLAST. It absorbs the sunlight.

Process of Photosynthesis –

When leaves get all of the 5 things that they need to make food. There is a process called PHOTOSYNTHESIS, with the help of that process leaves prepare food.

Then there is a part called PHLOEM inside the stem which collects foods from the leaves and distributes it to the whole plant. And that is how I grew my plant. And how the plant makes its food on their own. That’s why plants are known as Producers, not Consumers.

I hope you all enjoyed to know how does A plant grow Step By Step and also about 5Β things plants need to grow.

General FAQ

How do plant grow step by step?

1. Put the soil into the pot.
2. Then put sunflower seed into the pot.
3. Take a pot or any container.
4. Fill the pot with soil mixture. Soil should be little below from the top of the pot.
5. Put the seed (e.g sunflower) into the pot and cover with additional soil.
6. Water it a bit(sprinkle).
7. Put the pot in an open area (balcony/portico). Keep waiting for 2-5 days.
8. The seed grows a root underground
9. The seed grows shoots that grow towards the sun.
10. The shoots grow leaves and begin photosynthesis.

What things plants need to grow?


40 thoughts on “How Does A Plant Grow Step By Step”

      1. Hlo pls can u tell the daily photos and observation if plant and plant observation day1 to till the plant grows

  1. πŸ’πŸ’ πŸ’πŸ’
    πŸ’ πŸ’this is so help full

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