Team Work is basically something that may require some kindness, respect, participating, cooperation, encouragement, patience, listening ears, not arguing and the last one is sharing ideas.
When you get with a partner and that partner is not one of your friends, you may think No. I don’t want to with him or her. It’s actually still rude to think that about him/her. It is rude to think that thought about your partner because how would you feel if somebody was thinking that same thought about you.
It is important to listen with respect and give them the attention you would want. If you will not listen carefully to what your partner says you might miss some information that you might do not know.
Teamwork teaches us to treat each other, the same way you would like to be treated. It also gives us more knowledge and ideas. teamwork also decreases bullying. If we work together without arguing nobody can defeat us.
So I hope you enjoyed my article. I will see you later.