In 7th grade, I had to write a College Memoir Essay from the perspective of going to one of my dream colleges, the University of Texas. Now, as I look back on it, I figure, why not share it with you all? So, I hope y’all enjoy this College Memoir Essay and thank you for your time.

I checked my email again—still no new email, I had been waiting for about a couple of days, checking my email over and over again. I haven’t ever thought of not getting into this college. But now, as I wait, I am painstakingly obsessing over rechecking my email every five seconds. The horrible possibility loomed over me. I hold my breath, refresh again and grin. I got the acceptance letter from University of Texas.
I had so many experiences at the University of Texas. It had been about a month at the university, and it was my first shadowing experience. I was both excited and nervous. I had only heard about other people’s shadowing experiences, and most of them had pretty wild stories to tell.
For my shadowing, I would go to the emergency rooms with my group to watch them perform surgeries. And maybe even assist them—but honestly, it depends on the type of surgery being performed and if the surgery team is okay with us in the room. But even though I was nervous and jittery, it turned out to be an amazing experience. The surgery team was okay with me and my team being in the room but not actually assisting in the surgery. So we watched the surgery and even helped out by sanitizing materials, helping keep everything sanitary, and monitoring the machines to make sure everything was running well.
And then, before I knew it, it was my first final. I actually pulled an all nighter for most of the days this week, just reviewing over and over again for today. And now, as a price of staying up that late and then getting through another strenuous day of learning in college, I was continuously dozing off—maybe pulling an all-nighter last night was a bad idea. Now I was surviving off of energy drinks and coffee.
I was sure that I wouldn’t get a good grade. There was so much information to remember. And because I dozed off continually, I lost a lot of time. But eventually, the tide turned, and I was able to work through all the questions. Yes, there were some things that I messed up on, but not a lot. And as I walked out of the classroom, I felt pretty confident that I had done well on the finals.
And then shadowing after shadowing and each panicking final after the next—it was somehow already my graduation day. All these days have passed by so fast! It was like only yesterday that I found out that I had gotten accepted into this college. But now I was walking through the line of my teachers congratulating me for all of my late night cramming and all my hard work. I was both happy and reluctant, but I had a great time at the university.
Even though some days were a mess, looking back at them now, I realize how those days helped me. But now, all those years of memories are gonna be embedded in these walls for me. Now I was starting a new chapter in my life—I was leaving everything behind to do something I love full-time and devote my life to it.
And as I look back at my time at the University of Texas, I can still remember exactly what I felt like as I stepped foot in that amazing building. I will be eternally grateful for all those hardships I had to deal with while I was in college because now I have a successful job doing something I love.
I still laugh and relive those memories from my very first surgery. All the excitement I had and how I was overthinking everything. All the all-nighters I had pulled because of my finals and how I kept dozing off on my first one. And then probably my favorite one—my graduation day, all the smiles and the sadness of leaving the university. And how me and my friends had set sail for our own independent lives. We still talk to each other and laugh about it all. Overall, the University of Texas was an amazing part of my life.